Having a fireplace in the home is a well-known English trademark. During the cold, harsh winters, people would light up their fireplace and huddle around it during the evenings. Even today, there are thousands of cottages littered around the English countryside, where you will see smoke billowing out from the chimney during the winter evenings. However, maintaining a fireplace is a lot of hassle. You will need to get the chimneys cleaned regularly and ensure that firewood is added to the place so that the fire can burn freely.
Rather than go for the conventional fireplace, modern homes are equipped with electrical fireplaces. There are several companies that currently offer installation of electric fireplaces in East Yorkshire. There are many reasons to get an electrical fireplace installed in your house. Rather than opt for a more classic variant, electrical fireplaces add a bit of modernity and class to the place. Here are some of the many benefits that these fireplaces offer.
No Worry about Fumes
One of the biggest benefits that you get for installing an electrical fireplace on your property is that you don’t have to worry about any fumes. The electrical fireplace just has a cord that you have to plug into the socket. There are lights inside the fireplace that will give the illusion of a natural fireplace. Since this isn’t a real flame, and because there’s no gas being pumped into the fireplace, you don’t have to worry about the likelihood of smoke or gas fumes either. Nor do you have to worry about smoke causing blackening around the corners of the ceiling.
Low Maintenance
Electrical fireplaces require little to no maintenance whatsoever. If you have ever talked to a homeowner who has a real fireplace in their house, the sheer amount of maintenance required will make you think twice before you consider getting a wood burning fireplace. There are reasons for that, one of which is that when real wood burns, it releases fumes and ash. The fumes rise up through the chimney, and are deposited along the way on the sides of the chimney. After a few days, you will need to clean the fireplace and remove all the ash from the area. Then, every couple of months, you will need to call in a chimney cleaner to remove the soot from the sides of the chimney and clean it thoroughly. However, if you have an electrical fireplace, you don’t need to worry about any of these issues.
Energy Efficient
You might think that electrical fireplaces actually use up a lot of energy, but that is certainly not the case. In fact, electrical fireplaces take away some of the burden on the heating system in your house. These electrical fireplaces are relatively energy efficient and won’t add a huge bump to your electricity bills either. On top of all this, these electrical fireplaces will also add a beautiful glow to your living room, increasing the value of your property significantly, should you ever decide to sell the place in the future!