The Benefits Of A Wood Burning Stove Or Fire: Why Your New Purchase Will Save You Money And Make Your House Feel Like A Home.

images1. Woodburning Culture & Lifestyle

It’s a cold winter night. Its been dark since four o’ clock. Your dog Rupert is asleep by the fire. The house feels warm in rooms the fire isn’t even in, in fact its stopped being a house, it’s now a home. Your new wood burning fire has achieved all this and you are now a member of The Wood Burning Fire Club. Other people will find out you have a wood burner and suddenly you are an expert on where to find the best wood, if the price of matches has gone up and what kind of storage you use for your logs.

Buying a wood burner has a whole culture attached to it, and you are now part of it. Walking your dog suddenly becomes a logging expedition and you now carry logging equipment in the back of your car as a matter of course. You read up on the best ways to stack without getting damp or rot in your wood. Your Youtube history is littered with How To videos on cutting wood and wood sculpture art.

Or, maybe it’s just something that will improve the price of your house when you sell…either way it’s a good investment and will make heating your house fun.

2. Renewable Resource

Well managed timber is a renewable resource, unlike its uglier cousin fossil fuels. The replacement trees that will be planted in the wake of your purchase (if bought from a reputable timber dealer) will help to consume the carbon emitted by your fire. This makes for an efficient carbon cycle and gives you that warm fuzzy feeling that you’re helping the planet.

3. Your Dog Will Love You

Rupert will now have recovered from your latest logging expedition and will be curled up by the fire. With the heat toasting his back, and you wondering why on earth he isn’t actually melting, you’ll feel a great oneness with the world. A calm will rest over you and it will stay there until you need to change the next log. Think of Rupert and all those hard walks you take him on, get a wood burning fire for him.

4. Economical Living

You’ll never look at a forest in the same way again if you get a wood burning fire or stove. If you’re in a regulated area where fallen trees or timber is free to the public, you’ll suddenly realise that there is free timber everywhere. Building up a good relationship with the local joiner or builder means you might be able to pick up scrap wood on the cheap. Tree surgeons are also willing to give away wood sometimes. Another thrifty option are sawdust logs; they’re a product that would otherwise go to a landfill – instead you can buy the cheap and heat your home.

5. It’s The Hobby That Gives Back

As stated before owning a wood burner can turn into an obsession/hobby. If you want a hobby that gives back, like beekeeping or home brewing does, then owning a wood burner could be for you. There will be whole groups of people as enthusiastic about it as you and then you’ll be able to talk about it. Or you can build your own personal library and ignore the rest of the world whilst burning your eco-friendly fuel. Wood burners are for anyone that can afford them, no matter what your disposition.

Author Bio

Ruth Hartnoll is a writer working out of Liverpool. She has parents that own a wood burning fire and has learnt many of her lessons on wood burning from them. She highly recommends if you want a top quality wood burner.